Thursday, March 7, 2013

Finally...we meet!

Today (well, last night) a new member joined our family-- a KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer in Flamingo.  I have wanted one since I can remember, although I never really started cooking until I started having kids 3 years ago.  Before, it was just so I had something pretty sitting on the counter.  Since then, I have decided that I like baking better than actually cooking.  And above all, I love the crock pot most.  But more on that later.

The original reason why I got was because most recipes call for 'in the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment.'  After asking around, I guess it makes a difference when mixed with a hand mixer as opposed to a stand mixer.  If those people are wrong then whatever--because I got a KitchenAid!  Anyways--my son's first birthday is tomorrow and a few months ago, we realized he was allergic to dairy.  So now instead of being able to order a deliciously moist cake covered in whipped cream frosting from Publix (they have the BEST cakes!) I now have to make one.  He's not anaphylactic allergic but it affects his other systems-- especially his skin.  The recipe clearly stated to use a stand mixer so while on my quest to find vegan butter I stopped by Target and picked out this bad boy.  

I also forgot baking soda so I haven't been able to make the cake yet (long night ahead for me!) so I have been scouring Pinterest all day for brownies that use unsweetened chocolate (I have an entire bar bought on accident) and no baking soda and hopefully Biscoff (because who doesn't love Biscoff?!).  I just want to use it!    

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